Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Video Artist and the Construction of an IDEA

Your final assignment (100Points) for this course is to create a 2-6 min video that is conceptually built up out of an idea, theme, or notion. Like the body, language, chaos, string theory, social constructs, notions of religion, television, existing with media, exploring an old medium. Think of Bill Viola's methods and pieces. They where not narratives per se', but they where exploring ideas or experiences. 

Your homework for this weekend is to brainstorm and come up with an idea. You should email me as soon as you think you got something (sometime Friday would be great, but by the end of Sat. I should half something.) Remember to keep it simple. Starting out with one word and exploring its meaning sometimes helps me. 

Monday we will be watching a Documentary on Gary Hills Work, that I think will help push things in the right direction. Tues. and Wed. will be open lab days. If you need to bounce ideas off me please...please email me or come in on those days so we can discuss. To accompany this piece you are also required to write an artist statement (there is a link on the side bar >> for a how to...). 

Previous Student work:

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